Car insurance policies are different one of tje other but there are policies with plans that include locksmith service coverage. This coverage is often included in situations where a driver is locked out of his vehicle and the insurance may cover the cost of a locksmith to unlock the car.
These insurance policies have also conditions and limitations for example there may be a limit on the amount that the insurance company will pay and the policyholder might be required to pay a deductible.
In some other cases a locksmith service coverage is an optional add on and not a standard feature.

Does my insurance policy cover any locksmith damages?
There are car insurance policies that cover damage caused by a locksmith while unlocking the car, fixing the ignition switch or replacing the keys. The coverage typically falls under the “accidental damage” section in the policy.
Check the terms of your insurance policy to be absolutely sure that you are covered as coverage can change based on the risk level you have purchased.

What is key replacement cover in car insurance?
Key replacement cover in car insurance is an add on feature that provides financial protection against the cost of replacing lost or stolen car keys. This feature cover all the expenses when getting a new set of keys including the cost of the key itself, the locksmith’s charges and even the reprogramming of electronic key fobs.
We highly recommend to add this feature to your policy for the given fact of the high cost of modern car keys which can include advanced security features. Again the coverage limits and terms can vary between insurance providers so it is important to read and check your specific policy to understand the extent of the coverage provided.