Locked my keys in my car! Called Chicago Safe & Lock and Amir came right away. It took him a little longer than 5 minutes to unlock the car and that because I own a BMW and its a bit tricky to unlock it but in the end he did an excellent clean work! I really do hope it will never happens to me again, but if it does I know who to call!!! Thanks guys!
Locksmith Service in University Park
24/7 High Rated Locksmith Near You
Tech Location: White Oak Ln, University Park, IL 60484
Main Services: Lock Change, Car Lockout, Lock Rekey, Door Lock Replacement, 24 Hour Locksmith, Emergency Local Locksmith, House Lockout, Key fob Programming, Key Duplication, Door Knob Replace, Locksmith Near Me, Car Key Replacement…
Customer's Review's
Jimmy H.
Car Lockout
University Park
Jeremy R.
Car Lockout
University Park
Locked my truck keys inside the ignition at a as station.
Mark, Chicago Safe & Lock technician, saved the day!
He came out immediately, and unlocked my truck within seconds... I couldn't be happier.
Super-fast and affordable!!! Definitely recommended!!!